Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm Ready To Move

With all the complaining I've done about CA over the last 2 weeks, you'd think I'd be happy being home.  However, this time around, I am so ready to move.  Not because I want to move to CA, it's because I want to be with my husband.  It wasn't as bad last week because I knew I'd see him soon, but this time around it'll be 2 1/2 weeks before we meet up again.  The good thing is he's finally settled in and won't be moving anytime soon.
Since the place is not furnished I brought our air mattress from home for J to sleep on for the next few months.  As there was a limit to what I could bring over on a flight, we had to go to Ikea to pick up a computer desk and chair so that he wouldn't be sitting on the floor to use the computer (or eat).

One of my chores as a wife - inflating the air mattress, all the while seeing spots and feeling all tingly...
Almost there...(ignore the bald spot)
J reaping the benefits (although I did get a nice steak dinner out of this at Mastro's Ocean Club).
This is the 'guest house' where J is staying.
And this is the 3.9 million house for sale 2 houses down.  You can see the ocean through the front door.  J & I joked that this will be the most exclusive place he'll ever stay in in his entire life.
Some shots of the community.


  1. Guest House! That place looks nice.

    My friends from Cali likes Mastros!

  2. Yeah, he's living in the lap of luxury. Too bad we can't say the same about his bed :D
    Mastros was OK. Smith & Wollensky is still better.
