Saturday, December 11, 2010

Four More Days...

And then I get to see J.  Thanks to the stress of being a 'single mom', lack of exercise, and improper diet, I've come down with a cold this past week.  I'm just hoping that I'll be all better in 4 days.  J hasn't had it easy either.  Between working 14-hr days & weekends, and sleeping on the cold floor (the air mattress leaks throughout the night, leaving his tushie on the floor by morning), I'm sure he's ready for a much needed vacation as well.

Taiwan & Thailand here we come...


  1. wHOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO! I can't wait. Thanks for letting me tag along!

  2. It'll be good seeing you again. It's going to be one BIG eating fest. Luckily for you, we've decided to spare you the flower show.
